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About Us

Who are we?

Car Seats for the Littles®, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), community-driven, education-oriented organization, staffed by Child Passenger Safety Technicians from the United States and Canada, and EU Advocates. We are dedicated to making every child’s ride in the car safer.

We envision a world where the incident of a child being injured in a collision is rare and shocking, rather than the commonplace event it is today.

What We Do

We’re staffed by a dedicated team of Child Passenger Safety Technicians who work tirelessly to ensure that every caregiver who comes our way receives the correct answer to their questions. We help caregivers with three main types of questions: seat selection, installation and use, and clarifying niche issues that may not be clearly addressed in the car seat’s manual.

Where We Work

First and foremost, our team works in the field with caregivers like you. We meet for private car seat checks, we help staff larger events, and we coordinate busy inspection stations. When we’re not in the field, we’re helping caregivers in our many online properties: our Facebook group is home to over 350,000 members, and our Facebook page has over 275,000 fans! Our website:, and other social media properties are all visited by caregivers on a regular basis.

Who We Are

The CSFTL team are Child Passenger Safety Technicians and equivalent certifications outside North America. When combined, our collective experience totals over 200 years! In addition, we have team members who are certified in Special Needs, School Buses, who serve as Senior Checkers at events, who are certified CarFit technicians, and some of us are Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructors. No matter our additional certifications, we’re all driven by one goal: making every ride in the car a safer one.